अवच्छेदकत्वनिरुक्ति: (Avacchedakattvaniruktiḥ)

In this book, Jagadīśa offers commentary on the nature of vyāpti as mentioned by Raghunatha Śiromaṇī in his Didhīti. Jagadīśa talks about two kinds of vyāpakatva in great detail. In this context, Jagadīśa alludes to the concept of avacchedakata and explains these allaying all the possible questions that one could raise in this context.

অধ্যাপক মধুসূদন ন্যায়াচার্য্য জন্মশতবর্ষ স্মারকগ্রন্থ (Adhyapak Madhusudan Nyayacharya Janmasatabasra Smarakgrantha)

This is a collection of essays in memory of Madhusudan Nyāyācārya, edited by Bimalkrishna Bhattacharya and Sajal Chaudhuri. All the essays center around the themes from Navya-Nyāya, topics that Madhusudan Nyāyācārya has worked on.

Gādādhari Volume-2

In these two volumes, Gadādhara Bhhattācārya offers a detailed analysis of the views found in Tattvacintāmaṇi of Gaṅgeśa and in Dīdhiti of Raghunātha Śiromaṇi. Almost all the major conclusions of Navya-Nyāya have been explained with great defence.

जागदीशीव्याधिकरणम् (Jāgadīśvyādhikaraṇam)

This is a prakaraṇa text on the Nyāya theory of vyāpti written by Jagadīśa. The main theme of the work centres around the nature of vyāpti.Knowledge of vyāpti is the cause of inferential knowledge. If the definition of vyāpti is constructed in terms of avyābhicāritatva, then one could explain  avyābhicāritatva in five alternative ways. And none of these alternatives is acceptable, for this understanding of vyāpti would fail to account for kevalānvayi inference. In order to remove this problem, the definition of vyāpti is reconstructed as pratiyogivṛttidharmāvacchinna-pratiyogitākabhāvarupa vyādhikaraṇadharmāvacchinnabhāva. Jagadīśa examines this new definition of vyāpti and offers his justification, refuting all the possible objections.

সংস্কৃত কলেজ পত্রিকা (Sanskrit College Patrika)

This is an annual journal published by Sanskrit College, Calcutta. The essays published in this journal are written by teachers and students of the college. There are articles on Sanskrit philosophy and Sanskrit literature.

शब्दशक्तिप्रकाशिका (Śabdaśaktiprakāśikā (Part-1))

In this book Jagadīa Tarkālaṃkāra presents a detailed analysis of various aspects of śabdapramāṇa from the perspective of Navya-Nyāya. The book starts with a critical assessment of the views of Vaiśeṣika and Mīmāṃsaka philosophers with regard to the veridicality of śabda as a pramāṇa. This is followed by a discourse on the nature of meaningful words, the nature of prākṛti, pratya, nipāta. A definition of a sentence is formulated. The relation between word and meaning in its different aspects has been presented. The book ends with a discussion on the nature and different kinds of samāsa.