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Achar Prabandha আচার প্রবন্ধ

Achar Pravandha is a  collection of articles written by Bhudev Mukhopadhyay. All the articles deal with several aspects of the rituals performed by the Hindus.

Paribarik Prabandha পারিবারিক প্রবন্ধ

Paribarik Pravandha is a collection of articles written by Bhudev Mukhopadhyay. All the articles deal with several issues that arise in the context of the Hindu family.

Puspanjali (Part-1) পুষ্পাঞ্জলি (প্রথম ভাগ)

Pushpanjali is an imaginary dialogue of Vyasa and Markandeya written by Bhudev Mukhopadhyay with regard to the significance of the pilgrimage to some pilgrim centres.

Swapnalabdha Bharatbarsher Itihas স্বপ্নলব্ধ ভারতবর্ষের ইতিহাস

Swapnalabdha Bharatvarsher Itihas is a collection of articles written by Bhudev Mukhopadhyay. All the articles present different aspects of the history of Europe with special reference to the history of England. This volume contains a historical novel and also some proposals regarding the education system in Bengal.

Vivida Pravandha (Volume-2) বিবিধ প্রবন্ধ (খণ্ড-২)

Vividha Pravandha is a collection of articles written by Bhudev Mukhopadhyay. The articles in this volume talk about the history of India, the history of the world and the history of science in Western world.