D. P. Chattopadhyaya
Anthropology and Historiography of Science
Anthropology and Historiography of Science, authored by D.P.Chattopadhyaya, is a philosophical study of the complex relationship of science to culture in general. The major question that the book addresses is: How do different cultures understand and interpret science as part of human activity? The anthropological investigation is an important part of the study. There are six chapters and an epilogue in the book.
Cultural Otherness and Beyond
Cultural Otherness and Beyond is a collection of essays on philosophy of culture. This volume is edited by Chhanda Gupta and D.P.Chattopadhyaya. There are eleven essays in this volume, all dealing with the very idea of culture and nature of understanding a culture. This brings in the idea of exchange among different cultures where the concept of other plays an important role.
History, Society and Polity
In History, Society and Polity, D.P.Chattopadhyaya undertakes a detailed study of the sociological ideas of Sri Aurobindo. The book is divided into eleven chapters. In all these chapters the author presents Sri Aurobindo’s insights on society, state and individual and the nature of their interaction. A comparative study of Marx and Aurobindo has been embarked on by the author in this book.
Induction Probability and Skepticism
Induction, Probability and Skepticism, authored by D.P.Chattopadhyaya, is a detailed study of the philosophical questions associated with induction. Chattopadhyaya presents several attempts made in the history of philosophy to address the problem of induction. This leads Chattopadhyaya to deal with the issue of skepticism and how different philosophers responded to skepticism.
Interdisciplinary Studies in Science Technology Philosophy and Culture
Science, Technology, Philosophy and Culture, written by D.P.Chattopadhyaya, is a collection of twelve essays where the author presents his views on some aspects of Philosophy of Technology. Several of the essays deal with the role of technology in human society and its relation to other aspects of human experience.
Knowledge Freedom and Language (An Interwoven Fabric of Man, Time and World)
Knowledge, Freedom and Language, written by D.P.Chattopadhyaya, is a collection of fifteen essays. All the essays attempt to explore the two major aspects of human behaviour, viz. 1. Language using animal and 2. Freedom-seeking animal. The essays present Chattopadhyaya’s views on the nature and role of language in human experience, while some other essays deal with several philosophical issues regarding freedom, determinism etc.
Philosophy of Science Phenomenology and the Other Essays
Philosophy of Science, Phenomenology and Other Essays is a collection of essays written by D.P.Chattopadhyaya. There are twenty-one essays in this volume. All the essays harp on several questions related to philosophy of science. The essays are divided into six sections: 1. Science and Consciousness, 2. Aspects of Knowledge, 3. Phenomenology of Knowledge and Freedom, 4. On Being and Becoming, 5. Causation and Freedom of Action and 6. Some ideas of Sri Aurobindo.
Religion Philosophy and Science: A Sketch of a Global View
Religion, Philosophy and Science are a discourse on the history and interactions of different civilizations across the time. D.P.Chattopadhyaya, the author of this book, explores how different civilizations came in contact with each other resulting in the spread of science taking different forms in different places. Chattopadhyaya also constructs a philosophy of dialogue that emerges from this civilizational exchange.
Rupa, Rasa o Sundar: Nandantattver Bhumika
Rupa, Rasa and Sundar is a Bengali book written by D.P.Chattopadhyaya. In this work, the author presents his news on three major aspects of aesthetic appreciation, viz. rupa, rasa and Sundar. There are eight chapters that deal with various aspects of aesthetic understanding. This book is an introduction to Aesthetics as D.P.Chattopadhyaya understands it.
Societies and Cultures
Societies and Cultures is a collection of eight essays dealing with several aspects of man’s existence and his place in society. D.P.Chattopadhyaya, in this book, explores the various dimensions of man and his evaluation of the society that he lives in. The chapters in the book throw light on the issues that are central to the philosophy of history like the objectivity of history, the paradox of violence, the relation between ethics and religion etc.
Sri Aurobindo and Karl Marx (Integral Sociology and Dialectical Sociology)
Sri Aurobindo and Karl Marx: Integral Sociology and Dialectical Sociology is a revised edition of D.P.Chattopadhyaya’s earlier book titled History, Society and Polity. In this book, the author adds a postscript consisting of three new chapters. This book reflects Chattopadhyaya’s more developed understanding of Aurobindo and Marx.