Tattvacintāmaṇi তত্ত্বচিন্তামনি
In the present book, Brahmacari Medhacaitanya, the author, presents the views of Gaṅgeśa as one finds in the chapter on perception in his Tattvacintāmaṇi. There are eleven chapters in the book: 1. Maṅgalavāda, 2. Prāmānyavāda, 3. Pramālakṣaṇa-purvapakṣa, 4. Pramālakṣaṇa-siddhānta, 5. Anyathākhyātivāda, 6. Sannikarsavāda. 7. Samavāyavāda, 8. Anupoalabdhi-apramānyavāda, 9. Abhāvavāda, 10, Pratyakṣakaraṇavāda and 11. Mano-anutvavāda.