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Smṛti Sandarbhaḥ (Volume-2) स्मृति सन्दर्भ: (द्बितीय भाग)

Smṛti Sandarbhaḥ (editor’s name not mentioned) is a collection of Smṛti texts including Parasara Smṛti etc.

Smṛti Sandarbhaḥ (Volume-3) स्मृति सन्दर्भ: ( तृतीय भाग)

Smṛti Sandarbhaḥ (part III) is a collection of some important parts of different Smṛtiśāstras. The salient parts from different Smṛtiśāstras like Yajnyavalkyasmrti, Katyanasmrti, Apastambasmrti, Likhitasnrti Ausanasasamhita etc. have been collected in this book.

Smṛti Sandarbhaḥ (Volume-4) स्मृति सन्दर्भ: (चतुर्थो भाग)

Smṛtisandharvaḥ (part IV) is a collection of some important parts of different Smṛtiśāstras. The book focuses on three major issues viz. manner (ācāra), social law (vyāvahāra) and repentance (tapasyā). Excerpts from the important Smṛtiśāstras in their original Sanskrit, like Gautamasmrti, Yamasmrti, Arunasmrti, Pulastyasmrti, Vasisthasmrti etc. dealing with these three topics have been published in this book.