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A Study of Patañjali

The present book, written by Surendranatah Dasgupta, is a philosophical exposition of the views of Patañjali. There are ten chapters in the book: 1. Introductory: Beginning with Puruṣa and Prakṛti, 2. Puruṣa and Guṇas in Sāṁkhya-Yoga Cosmogony, 3. Cosmic Evolution: An Analysis, 4. Theories of Evolution and God, 5. Ethical Doctrines, 6. Lead to Salvation: Ethical Practices, 7. Yogic Conduct of Life, 8. Analysis of Miscellaneous Doctrines, 9. Sphoṭavāda: Semantic Theory and 10. Recapitulation. In this book, the reader finds a detailed analysis of the entire philosophy of Patañjali.

Natural Science of the Ancient Hindus

In this book, written by Surendranath Dasgupta, one finds an analysis of some of the ideas in Natural Science as entertained in classical India. The book contains three parts: 1. Matter and Motion, 2. Theories of Cosmic Changes and 3. Genesis of Tanmāntras. This book offers an exposition of several scientific ideas as available in the classical Indian texts.