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Kāṭhakopaniṣada কাঠকোপনিষদ

This book is a detail exposition of Saṅkarācārya’s commentary on Kāthopaniṣada by Brahmacari Medhacaitanya.  This book alludes to the story of Naciketas asking Yama about the destiny of man after death. Yama responds to the query by elaborating on the nature of self that survives the physical death of a man.

Mundakopaniṣada মুন্ডকোপনিষদ

This book written by Brahmacari Medhacaitanya is an elaborate exposition of Sankaracarya’s commentary on Munakopaniṣad. The main content of the discussion revolves around the nature of Brahman, the nature of the knowledge of Brahman and the story of the creation of the entire universe from Brahman.

Niruktam নিরুক্তম

Brahmacari Medhacaitanya, in this book, offers a detailed analysis of several Vedic words understanding which is absolutely essential for knowledge of the Vedic sentences. The Vedic terms have been classified under several categories and different grammatical forms of these words have been explained. This is why Nirukta is regarded as a Vedāṅga.

Tantrālokaḥ (Volume-1) তন্ত্ৰালোক: (প্রথম ভাগ)

In this book, the author Brahmacari Medhacaitanya offers detail analysis of the first chapter of Tantrāloka written by Abhinavagupta. A detailed analysis of the ultimate reality, known as Śiva, has been offered followed by a discussion on the nature of the individual self as advocated by Abhinavagupta.

Tantrālokaḥ (Volume-2) তন্ত্ৰালোক: (দ্বিতীয় ভাগ)

In this book, the author Brahmacari Medhacaitanya offers a detailed analysis of the first chapter of Tantrāloka written by Abhinavagupta. The second part contains a detailed discussion on the nature and varieties of knowledge. Since ignorance is the cause of one’s bondage, it is only when complete knowledge dawns on us, that liberation arrives.

Tattvacintāmaṇi তত্ত্বচিন্তামনি

In the present book, Brahmacari Medhacaitanya, the author, presents the views of Gaṅgeśa as one finds in the chapter on perception in his Tattvacintāmaṇi. There are eleven chapters in the book: 1. Maṅgalavāda, 2. Prāmānyavāda, 3. Pramālakṣaṇa-purvapakṣa, 4. Pramālakṣaṇa-siddhānta, 5. Anyathākhyātivāda, 6. Sannikarsavāda. 7. Samavāyavāda, 8. Anupoalabdhi-apramānyavāda, 9. Abhāvavāda, 10, Pratyakṣakaraṇavāda and 11. Mano-anutvavāda.

Vedāntasāraḥ বেদান্তসার:

This book written by Brahmacari Medhacaitanya is a detail exposition of the three commentaries on the text Vedāntasāra, viz. Subodhinī, Vālabodhinī and Vidvanmanorañjanī. This book starts with a discussion regarding Brahman as the cause of the world. This is followed by an attempt to show how all the different apparently contradictory statements of Vedānta philosophy could be reconciled. In the last part, one comes across a discussion on the mahāvākyas resulting in the attainment of the knowledge of non-dual Brahman. The book ends with a discussion on the nature of jīvanmukti.