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Mānmeyodayaḥ (Volume-1) মানমেয়োদয়: (২য় খন্ড)

This book written by Dīnanāth Tripathi is a detail exposition of Mīmāṃsā text Mānameodaya, originally authored by Nārāyaṇa Bhaṭṭa. This book is divided into two sections, viz. Pramāṇa and Prameya. After proposing the definition of pramāṇa, the author presents a detailed analysis of all the six pramāṇas accepted by the Bhaṭṭa school of Mīmāṃsā philosophy. During this discourse, the views of Nyāya, Vaiśeṣika, Vedānta, Buddhism and Prābhākara have been refuted. In the Prameya section, there is a discussion on the five prameyas accepted in the Bhaṭṭa school, viz. dravya, jāti, guṇa, kriya and abhāva.

Praśastapādbhāṣya (Volume-1) প্রশস্তপাদভাষ্য (১ম খন্ড)

This is a Bengali translation and explanation of Prasastapada’s commentary authored by Shyamapada Nyāyatarkatīrtha and Damodar Asrama. This book has eighteen chapters viz. 1. Invocation, 2. Introducing padārthas, 3. Tattvajñāna being the cause of mukti, 4. Dharma being the cause of moksa, 5. Introducing dravya, 6. Definition of dravya, 7. Introducing guṇa, 8. Classification of guṇa, 9. Introducing karma, 10. Introducing sāmānya, 11, Classification of sāmānya, 12. Examination of sāmānya, 13. Introducing viśeṣa, 14. Examination of viśeṣa, 15. Introducing samavāya, 16. Examination of samavāya, 17. Part and whole, 18. Atom. This book introduces the reader to the metaphysics of Vaiśeṣika philosophy.

Sāṃkhyadarśan সাংখ্যদর্শন

This book, written by Bhupendranath Bhattacharya, is a detailed presentation of the main features of Sāṃkhya philosophy. There are seven chapters in the book that contain discussions on Saṃkhya theory of pramāṇa, Sāṃkhya theory of god, Sāṃkhya theory of causation, Sāṃkhya theory of guṇa, Sāṃkhya theory of prakṛti, Sāṃkhya theory of puruṣa, Sāṃkhya theory of mahat-tattva, Sāṃkhya theory of subtle body, Sāṃkhya theory of bhautika sarga, Sāṃkhya theory of pralaya, Sāṃkhya theory of liberation respectively.