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Fundamental Questions of Indian Metaphysics and Logic
Susil Kumar Maitra, in this book, offers an analysis of some of the key metaphysical and logical ideas available in classical Indian philosophy. The book is divided into two parts: I. Metaphysics and II. Logic. Under the part ‘Metaphysics’ the author discusses the Buddhist doctrine of momentariness, Nyāya theories of causality, universal, samavāya, viśeṣa, self etc. The Nyāya proofs for the existence of god and the Sāṃkhya theory of plurality of puruṣa have also been presented. The author incorporates an analysis of Jaina’s theory of saptabhaṅginaya and Saṅkarācārya’s analysis of the idea of falsity. Under the Logic part, the author presents the different theories of perception, inference, śabda, upamāna, arthāpatti and anupalabdhi. The author also includes discussions on Apoha and theories of validity.
Heteroclitic Fragments and Heretical Comments
This book is a collection of six essays written by A.P.Rao. All the essays offer the author’s own views on some of the issues that have been dealt with in recent Logic and Metaphysics. The book starts with an essay on Leibnitz. The author articulates his own understanding of some of the logical problems attended to by Russell and Wittgenstein. Also, there are discussions on views on ontology expressed by Quine.
Philosophy, Logic and Language
This book by Kalidas Bhattacharyya is a collection of essays on different topics. However, the first seven essays and the eleventh one do have a thematic unity. They are in one way or another linked to the questions regarding the nature and method of philosophy – a theme that we find often in the writings of Kalidas Bhattacharyya. Essays 1 to 5 and essay 6 are directly concerned with the role of language and logic in philosophical reflections. He touches upon Logical Positivism and Analytical Philosophy in this regard.
The other key issue that Bhattacharyya considers here is the nature of Self. In particular, Bhattacharyya has been keen on exploring the nature of the self we refer to by the pronoun “I” and its relation to the other selves.
The concept of God also finds its place in two of his essays here. Bhattacharyya also discusses the problem of freedom in almost all the essays, in particular the ones on self. One interesting yet rather divergent topic that is discussed by Bhattacharyya is the idea of the Given and its Appearance. Two essays are on specific philosophers – one on Rabindranath Tagore and another on Basanta Kumar Mallik.
The Essays are:
- Is Philosophy Linguistic Analysis
- The Business of Philosophy
- Language, Logic and Fact
- Objective Attitude and Idealism Proper
- Thought and its Validity
- The Given and its Appearance
- The Nature of Reflection in Metaphysics
- Modern Psychology and Hindu Thought
- Self and Others
- The Concept of Self in Buddhism
- Formal and Actual Freedom
- Approaches to Spiritual Life
- Studies in Ethical Theory
- A Modern Defense of Orthodoxy
- Rabindranath on Religion
- An Aspect of Mallik’s Philosophy
- Classical Philosophies of India and the West
- An Outline of Indian Philosophy
Praśastapādbhāṣya (Volume-1) প্রশস্তপাদভাষ্য (১ম খন্ড)
This is a Bengali translation and explanation of Prasastapada’s commentary authored by Shyamapada Nyāyatarkatīrtha and Damodar Asrama. This book has eighteen chapters viz. 1. Invocation, 2. Introducing padārthas, 3. Tattvajñāna being the cause of mukti, 4. Dharma being the cause of moksa, 5. Introducing dravya, 6. Definition of dravya, 7. Introducing guṇa, 8. Classification of guṇa, 9. Introducing karma, 10. Introducing sāmānya, 11, Classification of sāmānya, 12. Examination of sāmānya, 13. Introducing viśeṣa, 14. Examination of viśeṣa, 15. Introducing samavāya, 16. Examination of samavāya, 17. Part and whole, 18. Atom. This book introduces the reader to the metaphysics of Vaiśeṣika philosophy.
Related Multiplicity
In this book, written by B.K.Mallik, one finds a presentation of the metaphysics of History as developed by the author. This book is divided into three parts: 1. Prologue and 2. Evidence and 3. Reviews. In the first part, the author locates his views from a historical perspective. In the second part, the author presents his interpretation of history citing evidence in his support. In the last part, the author responds to some reviews that were published in some journals where the author’s views on the idea of Negative have been criticised on several grounds.
The Philosophy of Word and Meaning
Gaurinath Sastri, the author of this book, reconstructs the whole philosophy of Bhartṛhari. Bhartṛhari is the first philosopher in Indian tradition to build an entire philosophical system on a theory of language. The present book contains the following chapters: 1. The Supreme Reality, 2. The Supreme Power, 3. Functioning of Powers, 4. Correspondence of Form and Matter, 5. The Empiric World of Realities, 6. Word: What It Is, 7. Import of Words, and 8. Import of Propositions. The author presents Bhartṛhari’s thesis on the metaphysics of word and its manifestation in the form of the empirical world. There is a detailed discussion on the nature of sub-sentential parts like varṇa, pada etc. An elaborate discussion on the nature of knowledge of the different parts of a sentence resulting in the knowledge of the whole sentence can be found in this book. A comparative estimate of the relevant views of other Grammarians and other schools of classical Indian philosophy has been attempted by the author.