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Advaitasiddhiḥ (Volume-1) অদ্বৈতসিদ্ধি: (১ম খন্ড)

In this book, Yogendranāth Tarkasāṃkhyavedantatīrtha, the author, offers a detailed analysis of the four definitions of ignorance that one finds in the text Advaitasiddhi by Madhusudana Saraswati. The book starts with an analysis of some theories that could be viewed as impediments to the justification of Advaita-Vedānta view, viz. Kramonnativāda, poureṣeyatvavāda of the Vedas, is the fallibility of the founding fathers of philosophical schools. The book ends with an exposition of the text called Nyayamitra written by Vyāsatīrtha, a work whose fundamental ideas have been refuted by the author of Advaitasiddhi.

Ātmatattvaviveka (Volume-3) আত্মতত্ত্ববিবেক (৩য় খন্ড)

This book is a Bengali translation and explanation of Ātmatattvaviveka (written by Udayanāchārya) done by Dinanath Tripathi. Ātmatattvaviveka is a philosophical work refuting the Buddhist thesis. In the present volume, there is a detailed discussion of the Buddhist thesis that no external object exists independent of knowledge of them. The translator explains Udayanāchārya’s refutation of this Buddhist thesis.

Bhāratīya Darśana Koṣa (Volume Two) ভারতীয় দর্শন কোষ (২য় খন্ড)

This Philosophical dictionary is edited by Srimohan Bhattacharya and Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya. This volume contains explanations of all the important philosophical terms used in Sāṃkhya and Pātañjala philosophies. Terms are ordered alphabetically.

Bhāratiya Darśana Koṣa (Volume-1) ভারতীয় দর্শন কোষ (১ম খন্ড)

The present book is a dictionary of the key philosophical terms used in Prācina-Nyāya, Navya-Nyāya and Vaiśeṣika philosophical systems, compiled by Srimohan Bhattacharya and Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya. The terms are arranged in alphabetical order. Against each term, there is a short explanation of the meaning of these terms.

Hindu Ṣaḍa Darśan হিন্দু ষড়দর্শন

This book, written by Swami Pratyagātmananda Saraswatī, is an introduction to the major philosophical systems of classical India. In the Introduction, the author offers a conceptual introduction to the nature of Indian philosophy. In the second chapter, the author offers an analysis of the eligibility conditions of the different schools of Indian philosophy. The author devotes separate chapters on Saṇkhya-Yoga, Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika and Mīmāṃsā philosophies.