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Śrībhāṣya (Brahmasutra) Volume- 2, Part- II শ্রীভাষ্য (ব্রহ্মসূত্র)

Brahmasutra- Śrībhāṣya (Vol. 2 till the first chapter of the Vedanta sutra) is a Bengali translation and explanation of Ramanujacharya’s commentary on the Vedānta Sutras. The translation and explanation are done by Jatindra Ramanujacharya. The present volume deals with the sutras from the 5th sutra of the first section of the first chapter till the end of the first chapter.

Śrībhāṣya (Brahmasutra) Volume-3, Part-II

Brahmasutra- Śrībhāṣya (Vol. 2, till the end of the second chapter of Vedanta sutra) is a Bengali translation and explanation of Ramanujacharya’s commentary on the Vedānta Sutras. The translation and explanation are done by Jatindra Ramanujacharya. The present volume deals with the second and third chapters of Vedānta Sutra.

Śrībhāṣya (Brahmasutra) Volume-4, Part-III শ্রীভাষ্য (ব্রহ্মসূত্র)

Brahmasutra- Śrībhāṣya (Vol. 3, third and fourth chapters of Vedanta sutra) is a Bengali translation and explanation of Ramanujacharya’s commentary on the Vedānta Sutras. The translation and explanation are done by Jatindra Ramanujacharya. The present volume deals with third and fourth chapters of Vedānta Sutras.


Vedāntadipa is a Bengali translation and explanation of the original Sanskrit work called Vedāntadipa written by Ramanujacharya. The translation and explanation are done by Jatindra Ramanujacharya. The book contains Ramanujacharya’s interpretation of the Vedānta Sutras.