Kāṭhakopaniṣada কাঠকোপনিষদ
This book is a detail exposition of Saṅkarācārya’s commentary on Kāthopaniṣada by Brahmacari Medhacaitanya. This book alludes to the story of Naciketas asking Yama about the destiny of man after death. Yama responds to the query by elaborating on the nature of self that survives the physical death of a man.
Vedānta-Darśanam (Volume-1) বেদান্ত দর্শনম (১ম খন্ড)
The author of this book, Kalivar Vedantavagisa, presents a detail exposition of Saṅkarācarya’s commentary on Vedānta-Sutra along with a presentation of the views of the author of the commentary called ’Bhāmati’. This book extends to the four chapters of the Vedānta-Sutra. Durgacaran Sāṁkhya-Vedānta-tirtha adds his own understanding of the different interpretations of various sutras.
Vedāntadarśanam (Volume-4) : বেদান্তদর্শনম (৪র্থ খন্ড)
The author of this book, Kalivar Vedantavagisa, presents a detail exposition of Saṅkarācārya’s commentary on Vedānta-Sūtra. This book also contains an analysis of the views of Bhāmatī in many places. This book ends with an analysis of the meanings of the śruti statements alluded to in the commentary of Saṅkarācārya but let out in the Bhāmatī commentary.