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Caṇḍa-Tāṇḍavam चण्डताण्ड्बम्

Caṇḍa-Tāṇḍavam is a comedy written by Srijiva Nyāyatīrtha. It is based on the horrors witnessed during the first world war.

Pandava-Vikramam पाण्दब् बिक्र्म्म्

Pandavavikramamam is a modern-day epic composed by Srijiva Nyāyatīrtha. The main storyline of the epic is borrowed from Vana Parva and Virata Parva of Mahābhārata. The epic depicts the heroic acts of the Pāndavas during their exile, sometimes living incognito.

Puruṣaramaṇiyam पुरुषरमणीयम्

Puruṣaramaṇiyam is a short comedy written by Srijiva Nyāyatīrtha written on the occasion of the visit of Srimat Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati to Calcutta. On one occasion, one of the male characters was transformed into a lady and that is how the title justifies itself.

Rupaka-Chakram रूपक-चक्रम

Rupaka-Chakram is a collection of five small dramas known as prahaṣaṇa. The collection consists of 1. Mahakavi kalidasam, 2. Ragaviragam, 3. Ksutaksemiyam, 4. Cipitakacarvanam and 5. Satavarsikam. All the dramas are written by Srijiva Nyāyatīrtha.

Sāraswata-Śatakam (Citra-Kavyam) सारस्बत – शतकम

Saraswatakam is a chitrakāvya written by Srijiva Nyāyātirtha. The genre of Chitrakāvya is a unique example of the marriage of literature and picture. In this work, the letters are written and the consequent verses are composed in such a manner, that a specific picture arises in the mind of the reader. The author composed the verses expressing different emotions and gave corresponding drawings containing the alphabet that the verses contain.