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Search for the Absolute in Neo-Vedanta

This book by the legendary K.C. Bhattacharyya is a collection of three essays which belong to three distinct phases of the development of KCB’s philosophical thought. In these phases he defines the Absolute as Indefinite, then the Absolute as  Subject, and then the Absolute as Alternation. The essays are
  1. The Place of the Indefinite in Logic
  2. The Subject as Freedom
  3. The Concept of the Absolute and its Alternative Forms
The first essay was written in a phase where KCB defined the Absolute as Indefinite in accordance with the Upaniṣadic doctrine that Brahman or Ātman has been defined negatively. He was however also influenced by Hegel and together these two influences led him to speak of the Logic of the Indefinite.

Studies in the Upaniṣads

This book is a detailed study of the philosophical significance of the Upaniṣads. Govinda Gopal Mukhopadhyay, the author of the book, reconstructs the salient themes of the Upaniṣads in seven chapters: 1. The Problem of Reality, 2. The Problem of Knowledge, 3. The Preparation, 4. Contemplation, 5. The Synthetic Way, 6. The Analytic Way and 7.The Problem of Attainment. The first two chapters deal with the metaphysical and epistemological views of the Upaniṣads. The next four chapters present an analysis of the different methods of attaining the ultimate reality as prescribed in different Upaniṣads. The last chapter deals with the nature of the state where one attains the ultimate goal by contrasting the Upaniṣadic views with other alternative theories.