Īśvarasiddhivivecanam (Part-II) ईश्वर – सिद्धि – विवेचनम्
This book written by Dīnanāth Tripathi contains a discussion on the Mīmāṃṣā argument that tries to prove that one does not need to prove god since the consequences like attainment of svarga etc. are the results of the performance of Vedic sacrifices. In this context, the author explains the Nyāya view that justifies the existence of god in terms of parataḥ prāmānyavāda. The author also presents the Nyāya arguments against the Sāṃkhya view and concludes that if the views of Kapila etc are accepted, then the prāmānya of the Vedas would be threatened.
Niruktam নিরুক্তম
Brahmacari Medhacaitanya, in this book, offers a detailed analysis of several Vedic words understanding which is absolutely essential for knowledge of the Vedic sentences. The Vedic terms have been classified under several categories and different grammatical forms of these words have been explained. This is why Nirukta is regarded as a Vedāṅga.
The Vidhi Viveka (Volume-1) বিধিবিবেক (১ম ভাগ)
Since Mīmāṃsā philosophy is known as the study of Vedic sentences, and since knowledge of vidhi sentences are required to perform the Vedic rituals resulting in the production of dharma, analysis and classification of vidhi sentence forms an important part of Mīmāṃsā philosophy. The present book, authored by Srimohan Bhattacharya, offers an explanation of the views of Maṇḍan Miśra as one finds in his Vidhi-Viveka with regard to the nature and varieties of vidhi sentence. The author also alludes to the Nyāya-Kanikā commentary written by Vācaspati Miśra on Vidhi-Viveka. In the course of the discussion, the author presents Maṇḍana Miśra’s refutation of the doctrine of momentariness and his rejection of the idea of omniscience targeting Buddhism, Yoga and Nyāya.
Vedānta-sūtram (Volume-2) বেদান্তসূত্রম (২য় খন্ড)
This volume is a detailed Bengali translation and explanation of the Vedanta Sutras contained in the second chapter of the entire Vedānta Sūtras. The Bengali translation and explanation is done by Nrtyagopal Pancatirtha. In this book, one gets a detailed explanation of the meaning of the Vedic sentences that appear to be conflicting with each other concluding that all the Vedic sentences aim at establishing Brahman as the ultimate reality. This is followed by an explanation and refutation of all the philosophical views that are contrary to the Vedic conclusion. The author defends the theory of Acintyabhedābheda as determining the relation between the ultimate reality and an individual self.