A History of Sanskrit Literature सारस्बत – शतकम
A History of Sanskrit Literature by Arthur A. Macdonell is one of the earliest accounts of the History of Sanskrit Literature published in Europe. The book consists of sixteen chapters other than Bibliographical Notes and Index. The chapters focus on the life and thoughts of Ancient India as they appear in classical Sanskrit literature.
A New Approach to Sanskrit
A New Approach to Sanskrit by V.P.Bokil and N.R.Parasnis offers a detailed presentation of the methods of teaching Sanskrit in colleges. There are eleven chapters and Appendices all focussing on the principles of language teaching as applied to Sanskrit, formulating the syllabus and recommending the textbooks, the role of Sanskrit teachers, types of lessons etc.
A Study of Patañjali
The present book, written by Surendranatah Dasgupta, is a philosophical exposition of the views of Patañjali. There are ten chapters in the book: 1. Introductory: Beginning with Puruṣa and Prakṛti, 2. Puruṣa and Guṇas in Sāṁkhya-Yoga Cosmogony, 3. Cosmic Evolution: An Analysis, 4. Theories of Evolution and God, 5. Ethical Doctrines, 6. Lead to Salvation: Ethical Practices, 7. Yogic Conduct of Life, 8. Analysis of Miscellaneous Doctrines, 9. Sphoṭavāda: Semantic Theory and 10. Recapitulation. In this book, the reader finds a detailed analysis of the entire philosophy of Patañjali.
Advaitamata-samīkṣā অদ্বৈতমত-সমীক্ষা
In this book, Srimohan Tarkavedāntatārtha, the author, offers an explanation of some of the central tenets of Advaita Vedānta. The first chapter discusses how some of the philosophical views of the opponents of Advaita Vedānta have been reformulated in accordance with the tenor of Advaita Vedānta. The second chapter undertakes a discussion of the comparative estimate of the views of the two schools of Advaita Vedānta viz. Vivaraṇa and Bhāmatī schools. The last chapter presents an analysis of the theory of Śabdaparokṣavāda, a view defended by the Vivaraṇa school of Advaita Vedānta.
Advaitasiddhiḥ (Volume-1) অদ্বৈতসিদ্ধি: (১ম খন্ড)
In this book, Yogendranāth Tarkasāṃkhyavedantatīrtha, the author, offers a detailed analysis of the four definitions of ignorance that one finds in the text Advaitasiddhi by Madhusudana Saraswati. The book starts with an analysis of some theories that could be viewed as impediments to the justification of Advaita-Vedānta view, viz. Kramonnativāda, poureṣeyatvavāda of the Vedas, is the fallibility of the founding fathers of philosophical schools. The book ends with an exposition of the text called Nyayamitra written by Vyāsatīrtha, a work whose fundamental ideas have been refuted by the author of Advaitasiddhi.
Advaitasiddhiḥ (Volume-2) অদ্বৈতসিদ্ধি: (২য় খন্ড)
In this book, Yogendranāth Tarkasāṃkhyavedantatīrtha, the author, offers a detailed analysis of the first definition of ignorance that one finds in the text Advaitasiddhi by Madhusūdana Sarasvati. The book starts with presenting a history of Advaita-Vedānta followed by the biography of Madhusudana Saraswati. There is also an introductory analysis of some of the key Nyāya ideas, for the author of Advaitasiddhi himself takes recourse to some Nyāya techniques in defending the Advaita thesis.
Advaitavedānte Avidyānumān অদ্বৈত বেদান্তে অবিদ্যানুমান
This book written by Yogendranatah Bagchi is an exposition and defence of the Advaita Vedānta concept of avidyā as one finds in Advaitasiddhi of Madhusudana Saraswati. Following the Vivaraṇa school of Vedānta, Madhusudana Saraswati undertakes a detailed analysis of the inference that purportedly proves the concept of avidyā. Several possible objections to the validity of this inference have been presented and all of these have been refuted by the author of this book. There is also a detailed deliberation on the object and locus of avidyā.
Advaitavedante Pratikarmavyavastha অদ্বৈতবেদান্তে প্রতিকর্মব্যবস্থা
This book, written by Nirmal Kumar panigrahi, is a detailed analysis of a lesser-known aspect of Advaita Vedānta theory of knowledge. The question that the book deals with is: why does an individual have knowledge of one thing at one point in time and why doesn’t he/she have knowledge of all things all the time? This shows that there is a rule governing individuals having knowledge of things at different times. This is unknown as Pratikarmavyāvasthā. The author discusses the Advaita Vedānta analysis of this and presents the objections advanced by Naiyāyaika and Madhva philosophers. The author also relates this particular epistemological thesis with the metaphysical position of the Advaita Vedānta philosophers.
Akhanḍa Mahāyoga অখন্ড মহাযোগ
This book, written by Gopinath Kaviraj, is a detail exposition of Surya-vijñāna, originally expounded by Visuddhananda Paramahṅsa. There are eight chapters in the book. The discussion starts with a description of creation, followed by an analysis of the concept of the pure body, the emergence of the pure being, the arrival of a pure being in the world in the form of a mother, and the transformation of the world into pure knowledge. The last chapter summarises the main points discussed in the book.
Alternative Standpoint in Philosophy
This is one of the most seminal works of Kalidas Bhattacharyya. Bhattacharyya speaks of the constant need that philosophers have felt to justify their work and their discipline. Bhattacharyya thinks that the modern defense of Philosophy is only possible through what he calls logic of alternation. Bhattacharyya’s position is that we can provide Philosophy with such a defense only by attempting a novel understanding of the knowledge-object unity. Bhattacharyya claims that this attempt is ingrained in the very being of all the important Indian systems of thought. This book is both a historical and comparative study of the basis of all Philosophy. The book has four chapters. Chapter One is on “Knowledge of Object” where the close unity of knowledge and its object is emphasized. In this connection, Bhattacharyya discusses subjective and objective attitudes and also the contradiction between subjectivity and object. Chapter Two is on “Types of Philosophy”. In this chapter, Bhattacharyya tries to show that the Unity of Knowledge and Object is Unrejectable and their unity is inevitable. Those who reject the knowledge-object unity do so because they think that such a unity would definitely lead to some kind of contradiction. But Bhattacharyya would like to show that this contradiction too is not rejectable. Actually, the Unity that he speaks of is a Disjunctive Unity. This disjunctive unity actually indicates that we have to stand alternatively on the subjective and the objective attitudes and reach a kind of dialectical unity. He then goes on to speak of the subject-object and the absolute as alternatives. In Chapter Three, “Cognition Feeling and Conation” Bhattacharyya takes up these three notions which seem to be opposed to each other. The first three chapters are analyses of these notions while the last section sees Cognition, Feeling and Conation as Alternatives. In Chapter Four Bhattacharyya considers “Further Alternatives” such as Jñāna Bhakti and Karma. He speaks of the three kinds of infinity in this chapter. The book ends with the idea of the Ultimate Alternation.
An Introduction to Indian Philosophy
This book, written jointly by Satischandra Chatterjee and Dhirendramohan Datta, offers an introduction to the three nāstika and six āstika schools of classical Indian Philosophy. The authors present the salient epistemological, logical, metaphysical and ethical views of each of the schools of classical Indian philosophy.
An Introduction to The Mind and Art of Kālidās and Bhavabhūti
An Introduction to the Mind and Art of Kalidas and Bhavabhuti is a short introduction to the study of love as a sentiment and its literary expression as one finds in the works of Kalidasa and Bhavabhuti. Guruprasanna Bhattacharya, the author of the book, concludes that Kalidas is an ideal poet of nature and Bhavabhuti is an ideal port of the human mind.
An Introdution to Classical Sanskrit
An Introduction to Classical Sanskrit is a brief introduction to classical Sanskrit Literature. The book, authored by Gaurinatha Shastri, contains twenty-two chapters other than an Appendix. All the different chapters highlight the contribution of Ancient Indians in the fields like philosophy, literature, science etc. The Appendix describes the status of Sanskrit studies in Europe.
Ancient Indian Erotics and Erotic Literature
Ancient Indian Erotics and Erotic Literature by Sushil Kumar De is a work on the nature of erotic literature in ancient India. The book consists of chapters: 1. Treatment of Love in Pre-Classical Literature, 2. Treatment of Love in Classical Poetry and 3. Treatment of Love in Prose Romance and Drama. The book ends with a chapter on Ancient Indian Erotics (Kama-Sastra).
Anthropology and Historiography of Science
Anthropology and Historiography of Science, authored by D.P.Chattopadhyaya, is a philosophical study of the complex relationship of science to culture in general. The major question that the book addresses is: How do different cultures understand and interpret science as part of human activity? The anthropological investigation is an important part of the study. There are six chapters and an epilogue in the book.
Ārya Śāstra Pradīpa (Volume-1) আর্যশাস্ত্রপ্রদীপ (১ম খন্ড)
The present book, written by Sivaramakinkar Yogatrayananda, offers his analysis of some of the key ideas of Indian philosophy in general. The topics that have been covered in the book include 1. The difference between ārya and anārya, 2. The importance of śāstra and its knowledge, 3. The nature of logic and 4. The nature of science and its classifications. The author also talks about the nature of the philosophy of mathematics.
Ārya Śāstra Pradīpa (Volume-2) আর্যশাস্ত্রপ্রদীপ (২য় খন্ড)
In the present book, the author analyzes the concept of science followed by a discussion on the nature and significance of spiritual science. Then the author analyzes the concept of philosophy, and its different kinds. The author ends this book with a discussion of the nature of Veda, its divisions and authority.