Philosophers in Modern India/ Surendranath Dasgupta / A Study of Patañjali/ Indian Council of Philosophical Research/ Publication: 1989 /Number of pages: 199/
A Study of Patañjali
The present book, written by Surendranatah Dasgupta, is a philosophical exposition of the views of Patañjali. There are ten chapters in the book: 1. Introductory: Beginning with Puruṣa and Prakṛti, 2. Puruṣa and Guṇas in Sāṁkhya-Yoga Cosmogony, 3. Cosmic Evolution: An Analysis, 4. Theories of Evolution and God, 5. Ethical Doctrines, 6. Lead to Salvation: Ethical Practices, 7. Yogic Conduct of Life, 8. Analysis of Miscellaneous Doctrines, 9. Sphoṭavāda: Semantic Theory and 10. Recapitulation. In this book, the reader finds a detailed analysis of the entire philosophy of Patañjali.
System |
– |
Publication Category |
Philosophers of Modern India |
Publication Author | |
Publication Language |
English |
Publisher Name |
Indian Council of Philsophical Research |
Publication Place |
New Delhi |
Publication Year |
1989 |
No. of Pages |
199 |
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