Sanskrit language and Literature/ Guru Prasanna Bhattacharyya/ An Introduction to The Mind and Art of Kālidās and Bhavabhūti/ Gobinda Hari Basak / Publication: 1928/ Number of Pages: 56/
An Introduction to The Mind and Art of Kālidās and Bhavabhūti
An Introduction to the Mind and Art of Kalidas and Bhavabhuti is a short introduction to the study of love as a sentiment and its literary expression as one finds in the works of Kalidasa and Bhavabhuti. Guruprasanna Bhattacharya, the author of the book, concludes that Kalidas is an ideal poet of nature and Bhavabhuti is an ideal port of the human mind.
System |
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Publication Category |
Sanskrit Language and Literature |
Publication Author | |
Added Author |
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Publication Language |
English |
Publisher Name |
Gobinda Hari Basak |
Publication Place |
Dacca |
Publication Year |
1928 |
Series Name |
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Category: Sanskrit Language and Literature
Tags: Bhavabhuti, Kalidasa
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