Twentieth Century Pandits of Kolkata/ Udanāchārya / Ātmatattvaviveka (Volume-3) / Dīnanāth Tripadhi (Translator)/ Sanskrit College/ Publication: 1989/ Number of Pages: 336/ Series: Calcutta Sanskrit College Research Series No. CXXXIV/
Ātmatattvaviveka (Volume-3) আত্মতত্ত্ববিবেক (৩য় খন্ড)
This book is a Bengali translation and explanation of Ātmatattvaviveka (written by Udayanāchārya) done by Dinanath Tripathi. Ātmatattvaviveka is a philosophical work refuting the Buddhist thesis. In the present volume, there is a detailed discussion of the Buddhist thesis that no external object exists independent of knowledge of them. The translator explains Udayanāchārya’s refutation of this Buddhist thesis.
System |
Nyāya |
Publication Category |
Twentieth Century Panditas of Kolkata |
Publication Author | |
Added Author |
Tripadhi, Sri Dīnanāth $e Trans. |
Publication Language |
Bengali |
Publisher Name |
Sanskrit College |
Publication Place |
Calcutta |
Publication Year |
1989 |
No. of Pages |
336 |
Series Name |
Calcutta Sanskrit College Research Series No. CXXXIV |
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