Philosophers in Modern India/ Bṛhadārṇykopaniṣad / Durgacharan Sāṁkhya-Vedāntatīrtha (Translator)/ Anil Chandra Dutta (Editor)/ Lotas Library/ Publication: 1327 BC/ Number of Pages:948/
Bṛhadārṇykopaniṣad বৃহদারণ্যকোপনিষদ
Bṛhadārṇykopaniṣad is a Bengali translation and explanation of Sankaracharya’s commentary on Bṛhadārṇykopaniṣad. Durgacharan Sāṁkhya-Vedāntatīrtha does the translation and explanation.
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Publication Category |
Twentieth Century Panditas of Kolkata |
Publication Author | |
Added Author |
Anil Chandra $e Editor, Dutta |
Publication Language |
Bengali |
Publisher Name |
Lotas Library |
Publication Place |
Calcutta |
Publication Year |
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Series Name |
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Category: Twentieth Century Panditas of Kolkata
Tag: Saṅkarāchārya
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