Philosophers in Modern India/ Satischandra Chatterjee, / Classical Indian Philosophies: Their Synthesis in The Philosophy of Sri Ramkrishna/ University of Calcutta/ Publication: 1963/ Number of pages: 170/
Classical Indian Philosophies: Their Synthesis in The Philosophy of Sri Ramakrishna
In this book, Satischandra Chatterjee, presents the salient views of different classical Indian philosophical systems and shows how these divergent views could be synthesized in the philosophy of Ramakrishna. The book contains ten chapters: 1. Introduction, 2. The Cārvāka Philosophy, 3. The Bauddha Philosophy, 4. The Jaina Philosophy, 5. The Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika Philosophy, 6. The Sāṃkhya-Yoga Philosophy, 7. The Mīmāṃsā Philosophy, 8. The Vedānta Philosophy, 9. The Synthesis of the Systems and 10. The Philosophy of Ramakrishna. The author argues how on the basis of the idea of adhikāri-veda the divergent views of the different philosophical systems could be synthesised and the author takes cues from the ideas advocated by Sri Ramakrishna in this attempt.
System |
– |
Publication Category |
Philosophers of Modern India |
Publication Author | |
Publication Language |
English |
Publisher Name |
University of Calcutta |
Publication Place |
Calcutta |
Publication Year |
1963 |
No. of Pages |
170 |
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