Philosophers in Modern India/ Svāmī Prtyagātmānanda Sarasvatī/ Hindu Ṣaḍa Darśan/Tulsi-Bina Trust/ Publication: 1971 /Number of pages: 165/
Hindu Ṣaḍa Darśan হিন্দু ষড়দর্শন
This book, written by Swami Pratyagātmananda Saraswatī, is an introduction to the major philosophical systems of classical India. In the Introduction, the author offers a conceptual introduction to the nature of Indian philosophy. In the second chapter, the author offers an analysis of the eligibility conditions of the different schools of Indian philosophy. The author devotes separate chapters on Saṇkhya-Yoga, Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika and Mīmāṃsā philosophies.
System |
– |
Publication Category |
Philosophers of Modern India |
Publication Author | |
Publication Language |
Bengali |
Publisher Name |
Tulsi-Bina Trust |
Publication Place |
Srirampur |
Publication Year |
1971 |
No. of Pages |
165 |
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Category: Philosophers of Modern India
Tags: Indian philosophy, Mīmāṃsā philosophies, Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika, philosophical, Saṇkhya-Yoga
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