Philosophers in Modern India/ Jogiraj Basu / India of the age of the Brāhmaṇas/ Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar/ Publication: 1969 /Number of pages: 357/
India of the age of the Brāhmaṇas
This book, written by Jogiraj Basu, offers a detailed history of ancient Indian society and culture as found in the Brāhmaṇa texts. The book contains four major parts, each part containing many more chapters. The first part (Book I) contains a discussion on the social and economic aspects of ancient society. The second part (Book II) contains a discussion on the political and military aspects of the ancient society. In the third part (Book III) one finds a description of the religio- philosophical speculations of the ancient society. The last part (Book IV) contains a discussion on the flora and the fauna, the ideas of calendar and astronomy as found in Brahmanic literature.
System |
– |
Publication Category |
Philosophers of Modern India |
Publication Author | |
Publication Language |
English |
Publisher Name |
Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar |
Publication Place |
Calcutta |
Publication Year |
1969 |
No. of Pages |
357 |
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