Twentieth Century Pandits of Kolkata/ Girindranath Vedantaratna Bhattacharya / Tattvamīmāṃsādarśnam / Metropaliton Printings and Publishing House Limited/ Publication: 1356 BC/ Number of Pages: 254/
Tattvamīmāṃsādarśnam तत्त्वमिमांसादर्सनम्
In this book, the author Girindranatah Vedantaratna presents his views on different aspects of classical Indian Metaphysics. The book has sixteen chapters. The author discusses several issues like the nature of the world, the nature of the individual self, the nature Adhikāri, the nature of upāsanā and the nature of liberation.
System |
Mīmāṃsā |
Publication Category |
Twentieth Century Panditas of Kolkata |
Publication Author | |
Publication Language |
Sanskrit |
Publisher Name |
Metropaliton Printings and Publishing House Limited |
Publication Place |
Calcutta |
Publication Year |
1356 BC |
No. of Pages |
254 |
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Category: Twentieth Century Panditas of Kolkata
Tags: Indian Metaphysics, liberation, self
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