Philosophers in Modern India/ Nikunja Vihari Banerjee / The Concept of Philosophy/University of Calcutta/ Publication: 1968 /Number of pages: 98/ K.C.Bhattacharya Memorial Lectures (1964)/
The Concept of Philosophy
The present book, written by Nikunja Vihari Banerjee, is an attempt to formulate the very idea of philosophy mainly banking on the philosophy of K.C.Bhattacharyya. The book is divided into six chapters: 1. Introduction, 2. Philosophy and Science, 3. The Epistemological Background, 4. Empirical Thought and Philosophical Thought, 5. What then is Philosophy? and 6. Conclusion. The author presents K.C.Bhattacharya’s idea of philosophy as distinct from science and elaborates on the concept of philosophy as an independent spiritual activity.
System |
– |
Publication Category |
Philosophers of Modern India |
Publication Author | |
Publication Language |
English |
Publisher Name |
University of Calcutta |
Publication Place |
Calcutta |
Publication Year |
1968 |
No. of Pages |
98 |
Series Name |
K.C.Bhattacharya Memorial Lectures (1964) |
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