Philosophers in Modern India/ / The Philosophy of Whitehead/ Indian Academy of Philosophy/ Publication: 2003 /Number of pages: 216.
The Philosophy of Whitehead
Rasvihary Das, in this book, offers an analysis of the main ideas of the philosophy of Whitehead. The book is divided into fourteen chapters: 1. Philosophy and its method, 2. Some primary Ideas, 3. Actual Entities, 4. Eternal objects, 5. Groups and Grades of Actual Entities, 6. The Extensive Continuum, 7. Propositions, 8. Feelings, 9. Feelings (Continued). 10. Perception, 11. Truth, 12. God, 13. Some Difficulties and 14. Conclusion. This book gives the reader a comprehensive knowledge of the philosophy of Whitehead. The author also highlights how his interpretation of Whitehead differs from other works on Whitehead.
System |
– |
Publication Category |
Philosophers of Modern India |
Publication Author | |
Publication Language |
English |
Publisher Name |
Indian Academy of Philosophy |
Publication Place |
Calcutta |
Publication Year |
2003 |
No. of Pages |
216 |
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