Sanskrit Religious Studies/ Vedāntaratna, Girindranath/ Upāsanātattva/ Kalipada Bhattacharya/ Publication: 1345 BC/ Number of Pages: 101/
Upāsanātattva উপাসনাতত্ত্ব
Upāsanātattva authored by Girindranath Vedāntaratna, is an exposition of the significance of several religious rituals performed to the attainment of God’s grace. The book discusses the various kinds of rituals performed both aiming at the formless Brahman and deities possessing specific forms. Many of the theological doctrinal queries raised in this context have been addressed by the author.
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Sanskrit Religious Studies |
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Bengali |
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Kalipada Bhattacharya |
Publication Place |
Maymansingha |
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Category: Sanskrit Religious Studies
Tags: Brahman, theological doctrinal
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