Philosophers in Modern India/ Vyāsdeva / Vedānta-sūtram (Volume-2))/ Valadeva Vidyābhuṣana(Commentator)/ Siddhanta Gosvami (Translator)/ Nṛtyagopal Panchatirtha (Editor)/ Gouriyasan Mission/ Publication: 1969 /Number of pages: 879/
Vedānta-sūtram (Volume-2) বেদান্তসূত্রম (২য় খন্ড)
This volume is a detailed Bengali translation and explanation of the Vedanta Sutras contained in the second chapter of the entire Vedānta Sūtras. The Bengali translation and explanation is done by Nrtyagopal Pancatirtha. In this book, one gets a detailed explanation of the meaning of the Vedic sentences that appear to be conflicting with each other concluding that all the Vedic sentences aim at establishing Brahman as the ultimate reality. This is followed by an explanation and refutation of all the philosophical views that are contrary to the Vedic conclusion. The author defends the theory of Acintyabhedābheda as determining the relation between the ultimate reality and an individual self.
System |
– |
Publication Category |
Philosophers of Modern India |
Publication Author | |
Added Author |
Gosvami, Nṛtyagopal $e Editor., Panchatirtha, Siddhanta $e Trans., Valadeva $e Comm., Vidyābhuṣana |
Publication Language |
Bengali |
Publisher Name |
Gouriyasan Mission |
Publication Place |
Calcutta |
Publication Year |
1969 |
No. of Pages |
685 |
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