Twentieth Century Pandits of Kolkata/Dīnanāth Tripadhi / Vedāntadarśanam (Volume-4) / Sanskrit College/ Publication: 1299 BC/ Number of Pages: 322/
Vedāntadarśanam (Volume-4) : বেদান্তদর্শনম (৪র্থ খন্ড)
The author of this book, Kalivar Vedantavagisa, presents a detail exposition of Saṅkarācārya’s commentary on Vedānta-Sūtra. This book also contains an analysis of the views of Bhāmatī in many places. This book ends with an analysis of the meanings of the śruti statements alluded to in the commentary of Saṅkarācārya but let out in the Bhāmatī commentary.
System |
Vedānta |
Publication Category |
Twentieth Century Panditas of Kolkata |
Publication Language |
Bengali |
Publisher Name |
Calcutta Rajdhanyanang |
Publication Place |
Calcutta |
Publication Year |
1299 BC |
No. of Pages |
322 |
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Category: Twentieth Century Panditas of Kolkata
Tags: Bhāmati, Saṅkarācārya, Vedānta-Sutra
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