Advaitamata-samīkṣā অদ্বৈতমত-সমীক্ষা
In this book, Srimohan Tarkavedāntatārtha, the author, offers an explanation of some of the central tenets of Advaita Vedānta. The first chapter discusses how some of the philosophical views of the opponents of Advaita Vedānta have been reformulated in accordance with the tenor of Advaita Vedānta. The second chapter undertakes a discussion of the comparative estimate of the views of the two schools of Advaita Vedānta viz. Vivaraṇa and Bhāmatī schools. The last chapter presents an analysis of the theory of Śabdaparokṣavāda, a view defended by the Vivaraṇa school of Advaita Vedānta.
Advaitasiddhiḥ (Volume-1) অদ্বৈতসিদ্ধি: (১ম খন্ড)
In this book, Yogendranāth Tarkasāṃkhyavedantatīrtha, the author, offers a detailed analysis of the four definitions of ignorance that one finds in the text Advaitasiddhi by Madhusudana Saraswati. The book starts with an analysis of some theories that could be viewed as impediments to the justification of Advaita-Vedānta view, viz. Kramonnativāda, poureṣeyatvavāda of the Vedas, is the fallibility of the founding fathers of philosophical schools. The book ends with an exposition of the text called Nyayamitra written by Vyāsatīrtha, a work whose fundamental ideas have been refuted by the author of Advaitasiddhi.
Advaitasiddhiḥ (Volume-2) অদ্বৈতসিদ্ধি: (২য় খন্ড)
In this book, Yogendranāth Tarkasāṃkhyavedantatīrtha, the author, offers a detailed analysis of the first definition of ignorance that one finds in the text Advaitasiddhi by Madhusūdana Sarasvati. The book starts with presenting a history of Advaita-Vedānta followed by the biography of Madhusudana Saraswati. There is also an introductory analysis of some of the key Nyāya ideas, for the author of Advaitasiddhi himself takes recourse to some Nyāya techniques in defending the Advaita thesis.
Advaitavedānte Avidyānumān অদ্বৈত বেদান্তে অবিদ্যানুমান
This book written by Yogendranatah Bagchi is an exposition and defence of the Advaita Vedānta concept of avidyā as one finds in Advaitasiddhi of Madhusudana Saraswati. Following the Vivaraṇa school of Vedānta, Madhusudana Saraswati undertakes a detailed analysis of the inference that purportedly proves the concept of avidyā. Several possible objections to the validity of this inference have been presented and all of these have been refuted by the author of this book. There is also a detailed deliberation on the object and locus of avidyā.
Kāṭhakopaniṣada কাঠকোপনিষদ
This book is a detail exposition of Saṅkarācārya’s commentary on Kāthopaniṣada by Brahmacari Medhacaitanya. This book alludes to the story of Naciketas asking Yama about the destiny of man after death. Yama responds to the query by elaborating on the nature of self that survives the physical death of a man.
The Brahmasūtra – Śāṅkarabhāṣya: Bhāmatī (Volume-1) ব্রহ্মসূত্র – শাঙ্করভাষ্য ভামতী (১ম খন্ড)
This book is a detailed Bengali translation and explanation of the Bhāmatī commentary on Saṅkarāchārya’s commentary, written by Srimohan Bhattacharya. Vācaspati Miśra is the author of Bhāmatī commentary. During the course of the explanation, Srimohan Bhattacharya highlights the views held by the author of Bhāmatī as different from another commentarial tradition of Advaita Vedānta, viz. the Vivaraṇa school. The Bhāmatī commentator defends his interpretation of some of the fundamental concepts of Advaita Vedānta viz. the nature of the discourse on Brāhman, the nature of svādhyāya, refutation of Śabdaparikṣāvāda, the nature of the individual jīva, the locus of ajñāna, etc. This is a fine example of intra-school philosophical debate that could be found in many other classical Indian philosophical systems.
Vedānta Darśanam বেদান্তদর্শনম
The author of this book, Kalivar Vedāntavāgiśa, presents a detail exposition of Saṅkarācarya’s commentary on Vedānta-Sutra along with a presentation of the views of the author of the commentary called ’Bhāmati’. This book extends to the four chapters of the Vedānta-Sutra. Durgacaran Sāṃkhya-vedānta-tīrtha adds his own understanding of the different interpretations of various sutras.
Vedānta-Darśanam (Volume-1) বেদান্ত দর্শনম (১ম খন্ড)
The author of this book, Kalivar Vedantavagisa, presents a detail exposition of Saṅkarācarya’s commentary on Vedānta-Sutra along with a presentation of the views of the author of the commentary called ’Bhāmati’. This book extends to the four chapters of the Vedānta-Sutra. Durgacaran Sāṁkhya-Vedānta-tirtha adds his own understanding of the different interpretations of various sutras.
Vedānta-Paribhāṣa বেদান্ত-পরিভাষা.
The author of the present book, Pañchānan Śāstrī, offers a detailed presentation of the views of Vedānta-Paribhāṣa, as one finds in Vedānta-Paribhāṣa. All the important views of Dharmaraja Adhvarindra have been explained in great detail starting from an analysis of maṅgalācaraṇa, through the different pramāṇas and ending with an analysis of liberation and its kinds as accepted in Advaita Vedānta.
Vedāntadarśanam (Volume-4) : বেদান্তদর্শনম (৪র্থ খন্ড)
The author of this book, Kalivar Vedantavagisa, presents a detail exposition of Saṅkarācārya’s commentary on Vedānta-Sūtra. This book also contains an analysis of the views of Bhāmatī in many places. This book ends with an analysis of the meanings of the śruti statements alluded to in the commentary of Saṅkarācārya but let out in the Bhāmatī commentary.
Vedāntasāraḥ বেদান্তসার:
This book written by Brahmacari Medhacaitanya is a detail exposition of the three commentaries on the text Vedāntasāra, viz. Subodhinī, Vālabodhinī and Vidvanmanorañjanī. This book starts with a discussion regarding Brahman as the cause of the world. This is followed by an attempt to show how all the different apparently contradictory statements of Vedānta philosophy could be reconciled. In the last part, one comes across a discussion on the mahāvākyas resulting in the attainment of the knowledge of non-dual Brahman. The book ends with a discussion on the nature of jīvanmukti.