Niruktam নিরুক্তম
Brahmacari Medhacaitanya, in this book, offers a detailed analysis of several Vedic words understanding which is absolutely essential for knowledge of the Vedic sentences. The Vedic terms have been classified under several categories and different grammatical forms of these words have been explained. This is why Nirukta is regarded as a Vedāṅga.
The Vyakti-Viveka (Part-1) व्यक्ति-विवेक:
This book, written by Mahima Bhaṭṭa, has been explained in Bengali by Bishnupada Bhattacharya. In this book, the author criticizes the Dhvani theory propounded by Ānandavardhan. Mahima Bhaṭṭa, like fellow Kashmir thinkers, was influenced by the philosophy of Pratyabhijñā. Mahima Bhaṭṭa was also well acquainted with the works of Diṅnāga and Dharmakīrti. The central contention of Mahima Bhaṭṭa, which has been explained in this book, is that Dhvani theory and vyāñjanā relation could be included in inferential knowledge. Mahima Bhaṭṭa argues that words have only the power of meaning and nothing else is required to account for the denotative power.
Vyākaraṇ- Mahābhāṣya (Paspaśānhika) ব্যাকরণ – মহাভাষ্য
This book is edited and translated into Bengali by Dandiswami Damodar Asram. The present work contains the introductory part of the Vyākaraṇa-Mahābhāṣya written by Patañjali. This introductory part is known as Paṣpasa. Here the translator starts with a discussion on the definition of the word as given by Patañjali. This is followed by a detailed discourse on the utility of undertaking the study of vyākaraṇa. In this book, one also comes across an analysis of Patañjali’s views on the nature of meaning, the nature of the relation of word and meaning, different uses of a word etc.